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The role of management is crucial in creating and maintaining a food safety culture within an organization. It is leadership that sets the priorities and values that permeate every level of the Company, ensuring that product safety is never compromised.

The first step towards a strong food safety culture begins with the management’s commitment. Company objectives and values must reflect the priority of food safety, with a clear communication that is everyone’s responsibility.

Management must develop and implement policies and procedures that support food safety standards.
Conscious leadership knows that continuing education is essential. Investing in training programs demonstrates a commitment to food safety and increases the awareness of each team member.

The Directorate should promote an open communication culture, where feedback and concerns related to food safety are taken seriously and managed.
Leaders must be role models. The management’s visible adherence to food safety policies encourages others to do the same.
Food safety requires a commitment to continuous improvement, with regular reviews of practices and processes.

The culture of food safety is as robust as the commitment of its management. Through policies, training, communication and exemplary action, leaders have the power to raise standards and inspire all staff towards excellence in food safety.

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